Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 8 Reflections

As I was going through my reading notes, I am very happy with how I have written them and utilized them in my writing. I feel as though I don't spend time on summarizing what has happened in the reading, but rather how the story was told. This helps me narrow in on my choice for what type of story to tell for the week. One thing that really helps me with this decision is while I read, I take notes of what I could change and I write this into bullet points at the end of my reading notes. It's very easy to find good ideas this way! Something I really need to work on is my reading schedule. Especially now that the semester has started to pick up, things are starting to pile on and this is getting pushed back until the last minute. If I can start the readings sooner, I'll get even more ideas of what to write about!

Looking back at my stories, I have really enjoyed all of them. The only one I haven't enjoyed was this past weeks story. I feel as though I didn't really have a good idea of what to write about, so I just wrote something random and it didn't come out very well. I've never really been a fan of writing because I never thought of myself as a good writer, however through this class I've seen how fun writing is! It's a nice break from all the math and science I spend so much time on! I'm really enjoying writing my storybook and I have a pretty good idea of where to spin it. I think it'll be a fun story to read and write!

It's a lot of fun to be able to see all the different writing styles and techniques so many people use in this class! It shows just how different we all are. It's also fun to see how people can take these Indian Epics and make them their own...very neat! As I read through some people's stories, I feel as though there are quite a few people who write to the 500 word minimum and just stop their story there when they could keep writing and end the story really nicely. I've tried to not do that and give as much detail in the end as I put into the beginning of the story. I feel as though I give good feedback on stories, however if I read the story multiple times I think I can give even better feedback to others!

(Writing Process,

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad this class has made you enjoy writing more! I love creative writing but ever since college I haven't had the ability to do as much fun writing so I haven't enjoyed it as much. Like you, this class reconnected me with my love for writing. I also agree with you with the 500-1000 word limit. Some people don’t let themselves develop their writing enough but I love it when they do.
