Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Week 8 Growth Mindset

As I was reviewing my original post regarding the growth mindset from week one, I was happy to see that I've stuck true to what I had written. It turns out that my graduate level course is actually my favorite and the teacher makes things very easy to understand.

Reading through the list on the assignment page, I realized that through this class I am able to take constructive feedback much better than I had been before. I would like good feedback because I know that that is what is going to help me succeed in all my classes, and even life outside of school. Something I really need to work on in this class especially is not waiting until the last minute to do assignments. For the past two or so weeks, I've waited until right before the deadline to complete my work, so the more ahead I can be in this class the better.

One way this class can help with strengths is that it can help me to push past just doing the minimum. This builds on learning rather than going for the grade. Although the popular saying in college of "C's get degrees" rings true, I would much rather earn my degree than just get it. This means that I have to work hard to understand the materials I'm learning in other classes and use this to solve real life problems one day.

One of my biggest weaknesses in my life is not asking questions. I always think that people don't have time to answer them, and even worse that people will make fun of me for the questions I ask because they tend to be no-brainers a lot of the time. Through this class I've learned that it is okay to ask questions and that it is a necessary part of learning. This is something that I am trying to implement into all of my classes!

(Stretch yourself to learn something new,

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh! Questions! I'm the question queen, and you can be one too! I've always been into gabbing it up, but one day my freshman year movement professor shared some advice with me. Strive to only ask questions that will benefit the whole class. With the in mind, I don't feel like my questions are stupid, because everyone benefits! And trust me, I feel like all of my questions feel like dumb no brainers, but I'm always surprised to find that I definitely am not the only one wondering!
