Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Introduction to a Weirdo, Tech Tip: Embedded YouTube

Hello! My name is Kimber Rutherford and I am a senior Electrical Engineering student. My favorite thing about my major is that I get to learn how to create things that have a practical use in the world. Once I graduate this upcoming Spring, I hope to find a job either in the Oklahoma City area or the Houston area, which is close to where I live and I eventually would like to get my Masters in Electrical Engineering. Once I am retired, I want to be able to look back at my career and see that I helped society progress, whether in the technology, energy, or medical field. Last semester, my favorite class that I took was Signals and Systems. This class was awesome because it involved a lot of math, plus the professor was incredible! He was always cracking jokes with us and made us truly believe that we can do all of the work required for Electrical Engineering. He is one of the few professors that I’ve had who cared about us and genuinely wanted to see his us succeed. The biggest accomplishment that I had last semester was that I was able to pass all of my classes all while holding leadership positions in multiple organizations.

Over the summer break, I went to Pagosa Springs, CO with my family. It was so beautiful and it we got the chance to do so many amazing things! We went rafting, horseback riding, rode on ATV’s, and so much more! I am currently in the Pride of Oklahoma, the marching band here at the university. I play percussion and I play the keyboards down in the front, so I don’t have to worry about marching around the field. I am a member of Sigma Alpha Iota, which is a music sorority on campus, and I am also involved in WECE, which stands for Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering. In my free time, I like reading, watching Netflix, knitting, and hanging out my friends. I’m currently reading Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card and I’m watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix. I don’t really have a particular favorite style of music, but I’ve been listening to a lot of Ben Folds recently. Last semester I got to see him live in Oklahoma City and it was one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to.

I have four pets back at home: two Shiz Tzu’s, named Shamu and Bella, and two brand new kittens, neither has a name yet, who I have yet to meet since my parents got them once I moved back to Norman for the school year. Here in Norman, one of my roommates has a one-and-a-half-year-old Catahoula, named Murphy, and my other roommate has a three-month old Orange Tabby kitten, named Mowgli. The crazy thing about the kitten here in Norman is that it is a girl Orange Tabby which is very rare since they are almost always boys.

If I had one extra day of fun where I didn’t have to worry about doing anything, I would spend it with my friends and family. I am happiest when I am simply surrounded by people I care about and get to make lifelong memories with them!

(Personal Photo of my dogs, Shamu and Bella;
Photo taken in September 2014)

(Personal Photo of my kittens;
Photo taken in August 2016)

(Personal Photo of Murphy;
Photo taken in August 2016)

(Personal Photo of Mowgli;
Photo taken in August 2016)


  1. Hey Kimber, I think we've met through Beth before if you're who I'm thinking of. I love all your pet photos! Those kitties are adorable! I don't have any pets currently myself but plan on getting a dog or two as soon as I graduate and get a job. I'm glad you were able to pass all your classes. I know EE isn't the easiest major so it's good to know you're doing well in it. One of my good friends is an EE and he's said it's very tough. I hope your semester goes very well!

  2. Kimber, I also love when professors crack jokes and don't take themselves so seriously. Your Signals professor sounds fun. Colorado sounds really beautiful, although I haven't been out there in a while. Clearly, you're extremely involved around campus! Glad you are able to pursue your love of music in college even though you're engineering. I'm jealous of your shiz tzus. We have not met before, but you sound cool.

  3. Oh wow, you are in the Pride: how wonderful, Kimber! And I am also a Ben Folds fan: I saw him at a concert in Norman years ago, and he was fantastic. I hope you will enjoy the chance to learn about Indian music in this class. The percussion is my favorite; I love tabla! You might enjoy this fun video by Bickram Ghosh, very cool tabla player: Bickram Ghosh: Rhythm Jam ... music is such a huge part of Indian culture, and you will even see musical themes in the epics. The villain Ravana in the Ramayana is also famous as a musician and dancer, for example. So keep an eye out for musical themes and references in the epics, and if you want to use that as a project topic to explore, that would be wonderful. You can find so much music from India at YouTube to accompany your stories.

    And thank you for all the animal pix: a cat named Mowgli! There's a bit of India right there in your own family menagerie. Adorable! :-)

  4. Kimber,

    I love listening to the Pride! I was a choir nerd in high school, and was friends with a lot of the band people. What you all do is amazing! I'm also impressed by your involvement in WECE. As someone who is studying social justice/is committed to fostering equity and representation, I find that kind of work so important. Keep being awesome!

  5. Hey Kimber, It is really hard to find professors that genuinely care about you instead of just teaching the class. Colorado sounds like a lot of fun, I've been there once and was able to go skiing and river rafting. It sound like you had a great time there. I love all the animals that you have. The kittens are adorable and the dogs are so cute!

  6. Hey Kimber! Back for round 2. Your pets remain as adorable as ever, and I hope that the first home game went well for the Pride! I really enjoyed listening to your performance. How do you like Ender's Game? I read it when I was little and it was such a complex book that I remember talking to my mom about it for hours. I hope you've found it to be similarly rewarding!

  7. Well you are tackling one of the hardest majors and you're ALSO involved in school! We are quite00 opposite because I absolutely loathe anything that has to do with math and stay as far away from it as possible. I am actually undecided so I'm a pretty high achiever clearly.
    YOUR PETS ARE ALL SO CUTE. Animals are one of my number one passions so you just melted my heart with those pictures. I can't wait to see your stories for the semester and get to know you better!

  8. The fact that you are studying to be an engineer, in band, and still able to stay involved in school is incredible to me. I can never figure out technology (I'm basically a grandma when it comes to it) so I think it's really cool how easily it comes to you. I love animals but I'm mostly a cat person so your kittens definitely put a smile on my face. I loved getting to know you!

  9. I am very impressed by all the things you are involved in and yet you still have one of the hardest majors I know. Keep up the good work! I love right ATVs, hiking, and going horseback riding as well. I have never knitted but it something I would like to try. All your pets are super adorable! If I had a free day I would spend it with family and friends as well.

  10. Its great to read about you and see all of the things you're involved in! It makes me feel like I'm not doing enough in my life... but it is so cool that youre able to do so much! Your kittens are ADORABLE. I love cats so much and I miss my fur babies. Every time I go back to Tulsa they get so excited that I am home. Can't wait to read some of your stories!

  11. Wow! That’s all I can say after reading about how involved you are! Please teach me your ways. It actually made me smile when I read about all the things you were able to accomplish since it made me feel like I could one day accomplish great things myself. You and your friend’s pets are the cutest thing! I tried knitting once in the 5th grade (basically our whole class went into uproar after finding out our teacher knew how to knit) but it didn’t turn out so well. Then, I tried crocheting and I ended up loving it! I love to make circle scarfs because they’re so easy and fashionable! Thank you for sharing a piece of your life with us! I hope you are successful in your future endeavors.

  12. You're an electrical engineer? One of my best friends is a computer engineer, so kind of similar haha. He also mentioned Signals and Systems although I can't remember if he liked it as much as you did! Also I absolutely love your dogs and kittens! Do the kittens have names yet?? They're adorable!! I recently read Ender's Game over the summer and loved it! How do you like it so far?

  13. Hello Kimber,
    It is awesome hearing about someone like you who has their life all planned out. I appreciate that you know what you want to do with your life because I still has no idea. I also appreciate that you watch Gilmore Girls because that is the show I always watched growing up because my older sister always controlled the remote! Anyways, best of luck in your future endeavors.

  14. You seriously sound like such a great person. Reading your first paragraph was legitimately inspiring- I've never heard someone say that they want to make practical use items to help progress society, and that they hope to look back and see how they've helped society progress. A standing ovation for you! Just incredible. I enjoyed reading about your experience with your one professor who was like, your cheerleader. I'm in the arts school, so I'm always really interested to hear about how other departments and majors work. Reading about your experience reminded me about how lucky I am to have professors who support and guide us for our entire four years. I'm so glad you found someone who really supported you!

    Rock on, Kimber. Thanks for making our world easier to live in!

  15. Hi Kimber! It is so great to meet you! I love the picture of your dogs! I cannot believe how cute they are! I have always wanted a pet dog, but my mother is terrified of them! It is actually quite unfortunate. I wish she could see how caring and loyal they are. Perhaps, that would change her mind.

  16. Hi Kimber. I love all your animals! I just recently got a new puppy and can't imagine life without a dog now. To have so many pets you must never get lonely.
    I'm impressed that you were able to manage organizations and school so well! I am in the process of doing the same right now as well. I am on exec for IAC and holding a chair position in my sorority. I love the organizations but it does get overwhelming with classes! Hopefully Ill make it out safe at the end of the semester like you!

  17. I'm sure Pagosa Springs was beautiful! I've been there before, but that was in winter. It's amazing how much Colorado can change between summer and winter. I'll have to go when there's not 1+ feet of snow on the ground.
    All of those pets are really cute. Do they get along? My own dog took some adjusting to our cats. They were afraid of him, but now he's afraid of them.

  18. I love that you included pictures of your pets! They are all precious!! I also think it’s awesome that you are an engineering major and also so involved. I have no idea how you do it but good for you!!! It sounds like you are having a great college experience! I’m graduating this spring as well, so I understand the nervous/excited feeling! Good luck on your job hunt. I hope you find the perfect career!

  19. Hey Kimber! I really enjoyed getting to know you through this post! Congrats about graduating and getting out of here! I also loved all your pets. I have a fur baby of my own and she is my favorite thing! Do you get to help name your kittens? IF so any ideas? I hope your semester ends well!
