My favorite organizational tool that I use is my planner! It is honestly the biggest lifesaver! At the beginning of every semester, I go in and write any important dates that I can find for that semester, whether they are for classes, such as due dates or tests, school functions, such as football games or Big Event, or anything for the activities that I am in. This way, I can look at every month and see when everything important is happening and nothing creeps up on me. Everyday I write down what needs to be accomplished by the end of the night and I check things off as I go so I know I don't miss anything.
Another thing I do at the beginning of every semester is I set up my desk in my room so it's functional and I can start using it whenever I need to. I like having things a certain way, so I always set it up accordingly. It definitely takes the stress off of me so it's one less thing to worry about when school comes around!
(Photo of Planners;
GO BIG EVENT!!! I was on Operations Staff last year and loved it. I'm also particularly partial to my planner, but I have trouble keeping a paper one (I lose things pretty easily). As such, I find that Google Calendar really helps me sync across the devices I use (work laptop, personal laptop, iPad, phone, etc.), and I can't lose a Google Calendar.